Within the activities of the Mexico Aerospace Fair – FAMEX 2023, we were honored to be invited to participate in the B2B sessions organized by the Canadian Embassy in Mexico and the General Delegation of Quebec in Mexico. The meetings, in which Mexican and Canadian companies specialized and linked to the aeronautical and aerospace sectors met, seek to find opportunities for joint collaboration and provide the ideal context to promote international trade relations.

Organized by the Ministry of National Defense through the Mexican Air Force and held at the facilities of the Santa Lucia Military Air Base, the 2023 edition of the Mexico Aerospace Fair served, as in previous editions, to promote the economic development of Mexico in the aeronautical sector, as well as the generation of investment, employment, promotion of aviation and technology development. Hundreds of companies from different parts of the world, aircraft exhibition, business meetings, technical conferences and much more, consolidate FAMEX as the most important aerospace fair in Latin America.
It is in this context that we had the opportunity to have a meeting with Thomas Barter, Sales Manager of Bluvec Technologies Inc, a Canadian company based in Vancouver dedicated to the development of technology and software for the security and defense sectors. Pioneers in the development of Deep Signal Inspection (DSI) and Rapid Target Inspection (RTI) technology, Bluvec is one of the leading providers of advanced software and hardware for the detection and precise location of drones.
Our intention with this meeting is to generate an alliance that allows us to offer total control over the airspace for the public and private sector in Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean. Therefore, the session with Thomas, a professional with more than 25 years of career trayectory in the UAV, PGS and aerospace sectors, was a valuable experience that can open the door to new possibilities for the AV3 Aerovisual team.

Afterwards, we had the pleasure to talk with Ángel Esparza, Senior Technical and Policy Advisor at GHGSat, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring Service, a leading company in the monitoring and detection of greenhouse gasses through the use of satellites and airborne sensors. Based in Montreal, Quebec, GHGSat provides data and intelligence on these emissions to companies, governments, regulators and investors around the world to optimize their performance and comply with environmental regulations.
In this sense and with the perspective of continuing to diversify our scope, a possible alliance with GHGSat would be oriented towards the integration of our aerial inspection services with drones, at a point in the process where it is necessary to pay attention to detail through centimeter-precision aerial data surveys; in this way the information obtained and interpreted by GHGSat‘s technology would have a complement of great value, thus generating a beneficial relationship for both companies.

We would like to thank the Canadian Embassy in Mexico and the General Delegation of Québec in Mexico, for their invitation to participate in the B2B sessions of the Canadian business delegation in the context of FAMEX 2023. Special thanks to the Canadian Ambassador in Mexico, Graeme C. Clark, as well as to the Delegate General of Québec in Mexico, Stéphanie Allard-Gomez. Likewise, we would like to acknowledge the management work and attention of Jordan Infante and Ariadna Barrios of G&G Gestoria en Comercio Exterior, the company assigned by the Canadian Embassy in Mexico to coordinate the agenda of this official mission.