
Agri-food Expo


We attended the 2018 edition of the Expo Agroalimentaria in Irapuato, Guanajuato; the most important event of the agricultural sector in the central and lower region of the country. Since its inception in 1996 and to date, the expo has been the ideal forum for representatives of the agricultural and food industry to meet and do business.

The technological factor is currently an essential part of the contents of the Expo, especially the implementation of autonomous and artificial intelligence systems for data acquisition that help to make processes more efficient, reduce costs and increase benefits for the producer and the environment.

During the visit to the Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato we coincided with the SYSMAP team, who are official distributors and representatives of Micasense and Sensefly in México, but also our strategic allies for the areas of precision agriculture and geophysics. In addition we had the opportunity to share with attendees and media our vision of what is happening with agriculture nowadays and the importance of linking with companies, institutions and human talent with the ability to integrate this type of tools to the value chain of producers and farmers.

Services :
Consulting and research
Precision agriculture

We help you find the best precision agriculture solution for your project through customized consultancies, with the aim of increasing efficiency, control and performance in your production.

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Multiespectral monitoring
Precision agriculture

Multispectral monitoring service with drones to obtain vegetation indices, biomass estimation, pest detection and zoning for the application of agrochemicals in crops.

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Well location
Geophysics and exploration Precision agriculture

Hydrological study and geological analysis for the location of water wells and aquifers; to identify the water capacities of your land and use the water in a more efficient way.

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News and updates about AV3 AEROVISUAL. from our participation or hosting of events, congresses and academic activities; to networking, sponsorships and strategic partnerships.

Related Posts : Precision agriculture

Our precision agriculture services use drones, precision technologies and data analysis to efficiently manage resources, identify problems and optimize crop production. These services optimize resources and costs, automate and improve production processes for sectors such as agriculture, hydro-agriculture, agro-industry, agri-food, agro-chemicals, agricultural research, sustainable development and sustainable agriculture. All our services are insured and all our operators are licenced drone pilots.