Pedro Olivares Sáinz our Administrative Director, gave the conference Evolución: El Futuro de la tecnología (Evolution: The Future of Technology); On October 23rd in the 4th edition of the event: “Cuartos limpios y emprendimiento científico en México” (“Clean Rooms and Scientific Entrepreneurship in Mexico”) organized by CIDESI (The Engineering and Industrial Development Center in Querétaro) and Dirección de Microtecnologías. Pedro Olivares Saínz made an open invitation to reflect on the importance of generating technology and scientific knowledge for the design of strategies that improve and optimize the evolutionary processes of the human race and the planet as a whole.
CIDESI seeks to establish a relationship between the general public with academics and entrepreneurs, with the objective of showing the scientific and technological capacities available in the region and the country. These experiences could be an opportunity to get to know those who are doing business, with the support of scientific research and technological implementation; as well as research that the industry could promote or benefit from.
We appreciate the invitation made by Dr. Israel Mejía and the staff of CIDESI in charge of the organization of this event.
If you are a representative of a company, institution, organization or group, and you are interested in introducing this talk to the members of your community, you can write to contacto@av3aerovisual.com, call us at 442 791 1725, or send a Whatsapp message to 442 129 7892. We are passionate about what we do and sharing knowledge is an essential part of our philosophy.