Our service for the mining sector focuses on the regional characterization of magnetic activity, adapting to the topography of the terrain and allowing its correct measurement, at high altitudes and obtaining accurate readings for interpretation.
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Aerial magnetometry with drones for resource search and exploration; technical talk by AV3 AEROVISUAL at the International Mining Congress, Sonora, Mexico.
Learn about the most commonly used magnetometers for geophysical exploration, their characteristics and the principles under which they work.
Drone magnetometry, compared to other methods, is much cheaper, versatile and efficient. With aerial magnetometry, subsurface exploration can be done to locate mineral veins and other identifiable structures through magnetic anomaly maps.
Magnetometric measurement and inspection yields data for planning and exploration. Its applications include oil characterization, mineral resource exploitation, search of magnetic artifacts, characterization of aquifers, among others.
Development of aeromagnetic exploration system with Fluxgate-type magnetometers, transported by a drone in continuous acquisition mode, for the generation of polygons or profiles to obtain magnetic data in all types of areas. Collaboration with UNAM’s CEGEO, the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and AV3 AEROVISUAL.