We implement geophysical methods for underground research and exploration. Natural resources and hydrocarbons, mining, construction, urban planning, public safety, archeology and agriculture.
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Aeromagnetic system with drones for geothermal exploitation Master study of aerial magnetometry with drones for geothermal exploitation; by means of the comparison of telluric magnetic profiles in Humeros, Veracruz.
We are pioneers in aerial magnetometry with drones in Mexico. AV-MAG℠ is a high-tech geophysical exploration method for generating highly accurate magnetic anomaly maps.
Aerial magnetometry with drones for geothermal exploitation; by comparing telluric magnet profiles in Humeros, region of Perote, Veracruz.
Photogrammetry for digital terrain model generation. Comparison of aerial magnetometry with drones and terrestrial, using microgravimetry and digital terrain model.